Parks' in the press
Parks’ Plumbing’s list of clients includes many local newscasters, sports celebrities, political leaders, commercial and industrial companies, and several churches and temples. We were also featured in two newspaper articles, one in the Chicago Sun-Times, and the other in the Sauganash Sounds.
Channel 5
On one occasion, Channel 5 presented segments covering the Parks’ ‘DOUBLE GUARD’™ Backwater Valve System. This included showing television viewers the Parks’ Double Guard Flood Control System (which we also exhibit on company premises) and having Parks Plumbing personnel explain their functions. The television crew then asked to see a nearby installation. On-site, they asked the homeowners if they were satisfied with the Parks Double Guard Backwater Valve System. The homeowners replied that before Parks Plumbing installed the Double Guard Flood Control System, they would sit on their basement stairs and cry helplessly as their finished basement took on several feet of water. However, over the many years that our system had been in place, they said they did not have any sewer backup.
On another occasion, Channel 5 covered our plumbing and sewer personnel as they responded to a winter waterline freeze-up emergency. The television crew had Parks’ plumbers show their viewers how frozen waterlines are thawed, de-iced, and how they are then repaired if necessary.
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ask this old house
In the fall of 2008 – following the big flood of September 13th – our expertise in flood control was recognized by Ask This Old House. We installed a Parks’ Double Guard Flood Control System in Park Ridge, the community that was affected by the big rain, and then our installation was featured in one of the episodes, which aired in January 2009.
Seminars & Home Shows
We have held public seminars on flood prevention and seepage for prospective clients, and have held private seminars on plumbing and flood control for the Midwest Council of Home Inspectors’ Association. These seminars were attended by as many as 300 people.
(847) 676-1931