Once known as Grossdale, a suburban community of nearly 20 thousand, and the location of the famous Brookfield Zoo. Brookfield is a nice place to live or visit, with an easy and close connection with the city of Chicago. Before 1803 this area was mostly covered by prairie grasses, forests and farms. The first settlement in the Village dates back to 1889 by Samuel Eberly Gross, a Chicago lawyer turned real estate agent. At this time Mr. Gross began investing in the land and offered a suburban lifestyle that was affordable for working-class families. In 1952 Brookfield received the All-American City award from the National Municipal League and LOOK magazine.
On July 24th, 2010 however, it was reported the village was hit with around 7 inches of rain in a period of 24 hours. Several residents woke up to see their basements flooded with storm or storm and sewer water, and some of their neighborhood streets covered with several inches of water. Some areas near Salt Creek were reportedly suffered the most damage. Parks’ would be happy to come out and give residents a free estimate for our Double Guard Valve Flood Control.