The Village of Maywood is located 10 miles directly west of Chicago, and has a population of around 25 thousand. The beginnings of the village go back to 1869 when the Maywood Company acquired the land for future development along the Des Plaines River. The village was named after May, daughter of one of the Maywood’s founders. By the time the village was incorporated in 1881, it had already been a booming town with a post office and regular rail service. In the later years the town even had two air fields.
Nowadays, the Village of Maywood has a direct connection with the city of Chicago via the Eisenhower Expressway or Metra Rail.
The area – just like the neighboring towns – has been subject to flooding in recent history. Big sections of the community, like many of the surrounding communities have been designed with a combined sewer system. The recent torrential rains were said to have overwhelmed the capacity of it. Here at Parks’ Plumbing and Sewer, Inc. recommend disconnecting your downspouts from the house sewer line, and, if needed, installing our Double Guard Flood Control System or Overhead Sewer.